Kaas – Where a thousand flowers bloom

Monsoon is waning and at this time, a remote plateau of the Western Ghats in Satara district of Maharashtra is ablaze with colours as millions of tiny flowers have suddenly burst to life. Kaas Plateau or Kaas Pather as it’s known locally, is a UNESCO world natural heritage site where thousands of wild flowers bloom for only a couple of weeks from August to October turning the plateau into a veritable rainbow. Continue reading “Kaas – Where a thousand flowers bloom”

Monsoon Sojourn

It’s that time of the year again when the rains overrun the Western Ghats covering their bare brown slopes with a lush green velvety coat. But it doesn’t just stop there. It keeps falling hard and strong until thousands of sparkling waterfalls erupt out of the stoic giants and come gushing out. Continue reading “Monsoon Sojourn”