Exploring Madness in the Silence of Spiti

When I woke up in the morning, I was in two minds. Should I go? Should I wait for a ride? Should I just stay on in Batal instead? Save both money and effort? The choice was simple. All I had to do was say yes or no. So, I stopped thinking. I tuned out and went about my duty, focusing on the next task alone.

The plan is to walk to Chandratal. Google told me its 14 kilometers and the board in Batal agreed. Continue reading “Exploring Madness in the Silence of Spiti”

Ready Steady Po(ndicherry)

Travel is never a matter of money but of courage. -Paulo Coelho

And if you are an Indian (especially a girl), travel is a matter of your parents’ permission too. Fear of safety and their inability to believe that their children are grown ups stop them from letting us go. And then there is “Log kya Kahenge?” (What will people say?). Luckily for me, my parents never paid attention to what others had to say. The poor souls were only traumatized by the thought of sending their daughter for a solo trip. Continue reading “Ready Steady Po(ndicherry)”